You may be thinking, "What? Don't the crowds, parties, and 4th of July fireworks worsen anxiety symptoms?" Yes, for some. But hear me out. Anxiety often happens for one of three reasons: Your body is unconsciously responding to external or internal signals and interpreting them as threats. If your brain feels threatened enough, you may have a panic attack, even if you're at home and somewhere perfectly safe. This is the physical/biological aspect of anxiety that's the most difficult to manage. Your thoughts are spiraling because you're worried about what might happen in the future and only focusing on bad scenarios. You're fixating on the past—past mistakes, past traumas, past bad situations (again, only focusing on the bad). The 4th of July is a great opportunity to get out of those headspaces. In fact, data actually shows that anxiety dips when interest in the 4th of July goes up . So, why is that? Let's explore how planning (and looking forward...